Welcome to International Klassikka

Non Scholae - Sed Vitae


You are cor­dially wel­come to visit our school Kuo­pion klas­silli­nen lukio, founded in 1940.In the Win­ter War of 1940 against the So­viet Union, the town of Vy­borg had to be ceded to the So­vi­ets and con­se­quently, our pre­de­ces­sor Wi­ipurin suo­ma­lainen klas­silli­nen ly­seo was trans­ferred to Kuo­pio and re­named Kuo­pion klas­silli­nen lukio – ”Klas­sikka”. The present-day school  build­ing dates back to 1965. Af­ter ex­ten­sive ren­o­va­tion work com­pleted in 2006, the build­ing be­came lighter and very mod­ern.

Klas­sikka has a very good rep­u­ta­tion and it con­tin­ues to be one of the most pop­u­lar up­per sec­ondary schools in Kuo­pio. The num­ber of ap­pli­cants for the first grade is far big­ger than the num­ber se­lected.

As its name Kuo­pion klas­silli­nen lukio im­plies, the stu­dent can study Latin, this school be­ing one of the few clas­si­cal schools left in Fin­land. Oth­er­wise the cur­ricu­lum fol­lows the na­tional guide­lines and gives the stu­dent a good gen­eral ed­u­ca­tion. The school cur­ricu­lum in­cludes a wide range of sub­jects: Mother Tongue and Lit­er­a­ture, Ge­og­ra­phy, Bi­ol­ogy, Math­e­mat­ics, Physics, Chem­istry, Psy­chol­ogy, Phi­los­o­phy, His­tory, So­cial Stud­ies, Re­li­gion (Evan­gel­i­cal-Lutheran or Or­tho­dox), Ethics, Com­puter Sci­ence, Phys­i­cal Ed­u­ca­tion, Health Ed­u­ca­tion, Vis­ual Arts, Mu­sic, Swedish, Eng­lish, French, Latin, Ger­man and Span­ish. The stu­dent is ex­pected to pass the ma­tric­u­la­tion ex­am­i­na­tion af­ter three or four years of study. Three years is the norm. In or­der to get the fi­nal cer­tifi­cates the stu­dent has had to take at least 75 cour­ses in dif­fer­ent sub­jects and pass the ma­tric­u­la­tion exam in at least four sub­jects. The num­ber of stu­dents is ap­prox­i­mately 550; our staff in­cludes about 40 teach­ers, a school sec­re­tary, a head­mas­ter and an as­sis­tant head­mas­ter.


In ad­di­tion to its unique­ness as a Latin school, we can also boast of our sports de­part­ments, which makes about one fourth of the to­tal num­ber of stu­dents. They have a great va­ri­ety of sports to choose from and they are se­lected not only ac­cord­ing to their mean av­er­age like other ap­pli­cants but also ac­cord­ing to their ath­letic level. The sports that can be cho­sen are for in­stance the fol­low­ing: ice-hockey, fig­ure skat­ing, foot­ball, vol­ley­ball, ath­let­ics, ten­nis, golf, cross-coun­try ski­ing, alpine ski­ing, swim­ming and ski jump­ing. Horse­back rid­ing, chess and cart­ing can be men­tioned as rar­i­ties. Ev­ery sport has a spe­cial coach and the stu­dents have ex­cel­lent fa­cil­i­ties to prac­tice their sport in close prox­im­ity of the school. The swim­ming pool, ten­nis hall, in­door sports hall, ice-hockey arena and ski­ing cen­ter are within easy reach.


Klas­sikka takes pride in its roots but it is also firmly look­ing for­ward into the fu­ture in its teach­ing. To­day it is a very mod­ern up­per sec­ondary school, ar­guably one of the most ad­vanced in the world. The class­rooms are equipped with the lat­est tech­nol­ogy, we have two IT classes and there are iPads avail­able for both teach­ers and stu­dents as teach­ing tools. Teach­ers are en­cour­aged to learn and ap­ply new teach­ing meth­ods and pass their skills to their stu­dents. Not only our reg­u­lar stu­dents but also ath­letes can re­quest lessons to be recorded for them dur­ing their fre­quent ab­sences from school for rea­sons such as sports camps or com­pe­ti­tions all over the world. The stu­dent is the main fo­cus in ev­ery­thing we do.


Con­tacts with our friend­ship schools in Eu­rope, with our ex­change stu­dents and for­eign teacher trainees make the at­mos­phere in Klas­sikka in­ter­na­tional. That pre­pares the stu­dents for an in­creas­ingly global world they are faced with to­day and later in their work­ing life. In 2015 – 16 our for­eign trainees come from Spain and Japan and ex­change stu­dents from USA and Spain. We also have done Eras­mus+ vis­its to Poland, Tur­key and Italy.


Klas­sikka of­fers cour­ses in en­trepreneur­ship. Dur­ing these op­tional cour­ses stu­dents are en­cour­aged to in­vent busi­ness ideas of their own so they might con­sider start­ing their own busi­ness or busi­ness-re­lated ca­reers af­ter school. They also take part in busi­ness projects, some­times in col­lab­o­ra­tion with other schools. We have a co-op­er­a­tive busi­ness project started a few years ago with schools in In­dia and Eng­land. Next year we will fo­cus on these themes in more depth.


Thanks to the moder­nity of Klas­sikka, we re­ceive a lot of vis­i­tors not only from Fin­land but also from abroad. The fa­mous spirit of Klas­sikka is not only in its ex­cel­lent fa­cil­i­ties but can also be ex­pe­ri­enced in the friendly at­mos­phere of our school.

Opinto-opas 2018-2019Non Scholae - Sed Vi­tae29.5.2013