France, Lycee sud Medoc

Lycee sud Medoc in La Taillan Medoc

lays the em­pha­sis on the suc­cess of all the stu­dents what­ever their abil­i­ties

  1. Cul­tural and sci­en­tific aware­ness
  2. De­vel­op­ment of the aware­ness to sol­i­dar­ity
  3. Help­ing the stu­dents to un­der­stand the world


Ly­cée Sud Mé­doc is lo­cated in Le Tail­lan Mé­doc, a sub­ur­ban town near Bor­deaux. It is about 15 kms from Bor­deaux town cen­tre. It was cre­ated in 1992 and the num­ber of stu­dents never stopped in­creas­ing. There are 1500 stu­dents to­day and 130 teach­ers.  It pro­vides two types of GCSE  with sci­en­tific, lit­er­ary and econ­omy spe­cial­i­ties on the one hand ,  and on the other hand  it also pre­pares to en­gi­neer­ing stud­ies with «  en­ge­neer­ing classes called SI classes and tech­no­log­i­cal GCSE called STMG.

The ly­cée is lo­cated in an area where a lot of peo­ple work in in­dus­tries, aero­nau­tics in par­tic­u­lar, as a re­sult the school wel­come more stu­dents who choose a sci­en­tific op­tion.

The school of­fers a wide range of lan­guages such as Ger­man, Ital­ian, Rus­sian, latin, Span­ish and Eng­lish. It is an op­por­tu­nity to open onto other cul­tures. The town is twinned with Castel­n­uovo-Be­rar­denga in Italy. Many part­ner­ships ex­ist and school trips are nu­mer­ous dur­ing the school year.

Our school has two Eras­mus + projects at the mo­ment and a third one has just started.

(Pre­sented in La Tail­lan Medoc April 2015)

Lataa tiedosto (PPTX, 2.29MB)

Man­ual of Good Prac­ticesEras­mus+ Women as Spir­i­tus Movens to­wards Equal­ity in the Eu­ro­pean Cit­i­zen­ship26.2.2016