For centuries the relationship between humans and animals was without any complications, animals were to serve whatever purpose humans saw fit to give them. Surely the lesser forms of life were here to benefit us pictures of God. And then came Darwin with his theories and ruined that world order.
Not that it meant any immediate improvements in the treatment of animals, but ever since we have had to deal with the knowledge that what we used to consider as nothing but a convenience, or an inconvenience, is actually somehow related to us. And slowly we have started to pay attention into how we treat those fellow species. And so, today the question needing to be asked is how far should we go in equality with animals?
Some say we should stop taking advantage of animals altogether, that we should be able to live from plant-based products only. Maybe even give some animals, such as chimpanzees and dolphins, or even dogs and cats, something resembling human rights. After all it’s proven that they resemble many traits considered as human.
But in a way all that is but one form of the manifestation of the same problem we have had all along. Our way of thinking just tends to be incredibly human centric, animals don’t need the right to be humans but the right to be animals. They were fairing quite well until we came along, so they probably won’t need our protection and we aren’t high and mighty enough not to need them. After all, all of us animals need each other.
Non SolumKevät 201625.4.2016