Art wakes up feelings

Hanna Leppävuori

I vis­ited an art ex­hi­bi­tion called My si­lence – Hil­jaisu­u­den ääni in Kuo­pio Art Mu­seum. The ex­hi­bi­tion was awe­some and won­der­ful be­cause the art­works hadn’t nametags, so I got to in­ter­pret them in my own way.

In the art ex­hi­bi­tion there was mod­ern, mov­ing art, pho­tog­ra­phy art and sculp­ture art. The di­ver­sity of the art­works was a good thing.

I liked all of the works but es­pe­cially I liked a mov­ing iron wire art­work. It was fas­ci­nat­ing and mag­i­cal. There was only the art­work, a lit­tle light and a shadow of the art­work be­cause the ex­hi­bi­tion room was dark.

The ex­hi­bi­tion woke up many feel­ings in me; glad­ness, sad­ness, lone­li­ness, pity and so on. When I watched some works I felt so tiny. One paint­ing was par­tic­u­larly touch­ing be­cause it was huge and its col­ors were black and white. I think that it de­picted a war.

I liked the ma­te­ri­als which the art­works had been built of. There were old high heels, an old spoon, iron wire and cauliflow­ers. They cre­ated dif­fer­ent men­tal im­ages.

The back­ground mu­sic of the ex­hi­bi­tion cre­ated a com­fort­able at­mos­phere. Light­ing was also good. Both of these sup­ported the ex­hi­bi­tion. Al­though there was the back­ground mu­sic, you could hear your own voice of the si­lence.

All in all, the art ex­hi­bi­tion was a re­ally good cul­tural ex­pe­ri­ence. It brought many thoughts and feel­ings to me.

Non SolumKevät 201625.4.2016