To question whether Finland can be classified as exotic one must first clarify what “being exotic” means. Surely anything can be exotic to a person unfamiliar with it. Exotic in a nutshell or at least in the nutshell that is my head means that a subject such as environment deviates from what an individual perceives as normal. And by that definition Finland is most definitely as exotic as any of the countries in the world. This paragraph in itself is rather short for a composition so I ought to elucidate a little.
Every year we Finns have gotten used to seeing tourist groups of Asian ethnicity. Some have even found their way to Kuopio on occasion and, at first glance, didn’t seem to be lost at all. At first I personally found this phenomenon quite intriguing. Surely, if Asian tourists travel to Europe, they want to see the great cities such as London and Rome or bask in the sunlight of the Mediterranean. Slowly I began to realize that albeit rest of the world having its upsides, Finland too, has some exotic charm to its name.
If you’ve lived your whole life in an industrialized metropolis, the purity Finnish forests must truly seem exotic. Even the sensation that is fairly white snow might seem incomprehensible to the most urbanized people. We might lack the vegetation and fauna of the Amazon but so does every other corner of the world. What might seem dull to us, might be exotic for someone else. We become exotic by being different. The exotic is truly in the eye of the beholder.
Non SolumKevät 201625.4.2016