How green are we prepared to be?

Milena Vanninen 14F

It of­ten tends to be dif­fi­cult to re­ally think and take care of the en­vi­ron­ment when there is al­most ev­ery­thing a per­son needs avail­able and the world keeps rush­ing for­ward, es­pe­cially when liv­ing in a wel­fare coun­try like Fin­land. When the only thing that in­di­cates there might be some prob­lems in the en­vi­ron­ment is that one prob­a­bly has to dig one’s spring coat from the wardrobe a bit ear­lier than one used to, there is not re­ally enough push to change one’s life­style into some­thing more eco-friendly.

Since peo­ple in the richer coun­tries are of­ten adapted to an ex­tremely com­fort­able life­style, it might be a strug­gle mak­ing it not that easy. An en­vi­ron­men­tally friendly life­style might seem not con­ve­nient at all. For in­stance, driv­ing one’s own car of­ten feels to be a lot bet­ter com­pared to pub­lic trans­porta­tion. There is a large num­ber of sci­en­tists try­ing to find so­lu­tions to en­vi­ron­men­tal is­sues, such as pol­lu­tion. It is of­ten easy just to wait for them to make mir­a­cles and some­how find a way for peo­ple to able to hang onto their pre­vi­ous habits.

Hav­ing not much money makes it less dif­fi­cult to make de­ci­sions that are not that harm­ful to the en­vi­ron­ment. Hence I do not have to feel guilty of fly­ing. But if there was an op­por­tu­nity to do so, I would not refuse. Maybe that is the ex­act prob­lem with all the peo­ple not re­ally be­ing ready to change their life­style so that it would be for the ben­e­fit of the Earth.


Non SolumKevät 201625.4.2016