It often tends to be difficult to really think and take care of the environment when there is almost everything a person needs available and the world keeps rushing forward, especially when living in a welfare country like Finland. When the only thing that indicates there might be some problems in the environment is that one probably has to dig one’s spring coat from the wardrobe a bit earlier than one used to, there is not really enough push to change one’s lifestyle into something more eco-friendly.
Since people in the richer countries are often adapted to an extremely comfortable lifestyle, it might be a struggle making it not that easy. An environmentally friendly lifestyle might seem not convenient at all. For instance, driving one’s own car often feels to be a lot better compared to public transportation. There is a large number of scientists trying to find solutions to environmental issues, such as pollution. It is often easy just to wait for them to make miracles and somehow find a way for people to able to hang onto their previous habits.
Having not much money makes it less difficult to make decisions that are not that harmful to the environment. Hence I do not have to feel guilty of flying. But if there was an opportunity to do so, I would not refuse. Maybe that is the exact problem with all the people not really being ready to change their lifestyle so that it would be for the benefit of the Earth.
Non SolumKevät 201625.4.2016