20 To Do's...

… you will absolutely have to do in the holidays!

Va­le­rie Ber­ger

1. At­tend a Flash Mob. How much fun must that be, when all the pe­op­le turn around and look at you to­tal­ly puzz­led! 😉

2. Slee­ping out­doors for a night. Take a good friend with a gar­den or bal­co­ny, take a slee­ping bag and flash­light and en­joy the view of the star­ry sky. Oh and don’t for­get the food!

3. Just try a new look. For examp­le, dye your hair pink or dress comp­le­te­ly dif­fe­rent­ly. Would be fun and af­ter the ho­li­days you are any­ways your old self again, or not?

4. Say one day long yes to eve­ryt­hing. Can be to­tal­ly stress­ful, es­pe­ci­al­ly when it is exp­loi­ted by pa­rents and sib­lings, but is also very fun­ny and who knows what spon­ta­ne­ous ac­ti­ons will be the re­sult.

5. Wri­te a Wiki­pe­dia ent­ry and put it on­li­ne.

6. Loo­king for a pen pal, pre­fe­rab­ly with a dif­fe­rent mot­her ton­gue and then ac­tu­al­ly wri­te to him / her. If you’re luc­ky, you make next sum­mer a small exc­han­ge. 🙂

7. Go to the train sta­ti­on, take the next going train (do not for­get to purc­ha­se a tic­ket ;)) and just dri­ve into the unk­nown. Let’s see whe­re you will end up, right?

8. Re­cord a song in the stu­dio or bring to­get­her some friends, le­arn a cho­re­og­rap­hy and make a vi­deo out of it. Su­re­ly the next com­pe­ti­ti­on will come…

9. Or­ga­ni­ze a huge pic­nic with lots of friends and huge amounts of food!

10. Make a DVD ses­si­on and look through all the epi­so­des of ”How I met your Mot­her”. May­be you’ll find out who is the mot­her …;D

11. Cre­a­te a blog or a You­Tu­be chan­nel and post so­met­hing new eve­ry week. If you post re­gu­lar­ly and if it’s fair­ly in­te­res­ting, you should get more and more fol­lo­wers and who knows, may­be one day you will be fa­mous. 😉

12. Be one day long a todd­ler again. So re­mem­ber to wear a flo­wer-dress or Bob the buil­der t-shirt, have a su­gar neck­la­ce, build a sand cast­le in the sand box and look old Dis­ney mo­vies.

13. Try a sport which you did not even know un­til now such as slack­li­ning, Tchouck­ball or play bike polo.

14. Just take so­met­hing out of the frid­ge, which fits re­a­so­nab­ly well to­get­her and then so­me­how mix it to­get­her wit­hout a re­ci­pe. We’ll see how it tas­tes.

15. Stand be­hind a cor­ner and shoot pe­op­le ”ran­dom­ly” (oops, again it hit a te­ac­her) with a wa­ter pis­tol.

16. Doing a nice camp­fi­re with a gui­tar, some spoo­ky sto­ries and a lot of fun!

17. Le­arn a new lan­gu­a­ge to have a re­a­son for next year to make a ”lan­gu­a­ge stay” in anot­her count­ry. The more exo­tic the bet­ter!

18. Open your math books and pre­tend to ac­tu­al­ly stu­dy, ma­kes your pa­rents hap­py.

19. Go to the mo­vies ins­te­ad of en­joying the be­au­ti­ful we­at­her.

20. And last but not le­ast, go and eat some ice cre­am!

Non So­lum 2/2013Tou­ko­kuu 201315.5.2013