Finnish matriculation examination in change

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Do­ing Busi­ness in China

China is an an­cient cul­ture with the world´s largest pop­u­la­tion of nearly 1,4 bil­lion, which con­sti­tutes over 22 per cent of the world pop­u­la­tion. Know­ing this, it is no won­der why the coun­try has man­aged to pre­serve its own unique cul­ture; be­hav­ioral pat­terns and man­ners. West­ern cul­tures dif­fer from Chi­nese cul­ture in many ways. For­eign com­pa­nies in­ter­ested in do­ing busi­ness in China have to be aware of the dif­fer­ences and the back­ground of the so­cial norms. Chi­nese are proud of their roots and char­ac­ter­is­tics. For that rea­son, for­eign­ers com­ing to China need to adapt their busi­ness be­hav­ior ac­cord­ing to the Chi­nese so­ci­ety norms.

Do­ing Busi­ness in China course is aimed at Kuo­pio Clas­si­cal High School who would like to learn the ba­sics of busi­ness in China, Chi­nese cul­ture and global mind­set. Stu­dents will have a pos­si­bil­ity to pre­pare a pitch­ing event and or­ga­nize it in Hong Kong dur­ing the 2017-2018 school year in col­lab­o­ra­tion with great part­ners.

The heart and soul of the project is Mr. Jari Vep­säläi­nen who has over 30 years’ ex­pe­ri­ence in Asia and China, in busi­ness and le­gal man­age­ment. He is one of the lead­ing China ex­perts, and has worked with West­ern com­pa­nies in China as early as the 1980s. For­mer stu­dent of Kuo­pio Clas­si­cal High School, Mr. Jari Vep­säläi­nen wants to ful­fill his long­time dream to help stu­dents to know the Chi­nese cul­ture and busi­ness.

Learn more from Mo­bie eS­mart Fin­tradeA­cademy from here and ask more about the project from Head­mas­ter Jukka Sor­munen, 0447814542, jukka.sor­munen@kuo­


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