Mobile technology in learning
We are using already fourth school year OnEdu learning solution and going to start using next generation OnEdu 2.0 platform in next few weeks among first schools in the World and hope meet as platform users the most keypoints which @cjpedregal mentioned in his blog post. There is also good pings for publishers and learning material creators.
Also to keep in mind that Mobie Ltd. offers also Mobile Tablets for students which are great from k12 to University level. Students have been very happy with their hybrid solution like Mobie M11. Powerful Windows 10, easy to carry, good camera and battery life is for full day of study in University.
We think in Klassikka that OnEdu is the best solution out there and so is IMAILE.EU in it`s report where they compared 72 learning platforms in the World. OnEdu is on top 5 now in the World and is the only one from EU area.If interested more about report, ask @mobieoy
OnEdu is also only platform where publishers are creating html5 mobile friendly materials for students and OnEdu Social platform itself works like facebook to allowing students make groups and having conversations with you mate students.
OnEdu offers school large variation on publishing Mobile friendly Zine publications like school newspaper, teacher preparation publications, school guidebooks, safety booklets and what is most powerful for students, they can do it themselves! In @klassikka we have more than 50 different publication at the moment and that comes with extra costs in OnEdu learning platform.
Here is some school magazines created by students to look up.
Manual of Good PracticesErasmus+ Women as Spiritus Movens towards Equality in the European Citizenship26.2.2016