Mobile technology in learning

We are us­ing al­ready fourth school year OnEdu learn­ing so­lu­tion and go­ing to start us­ing next gen­er­a­tion OnEdu 2.0 plat­form in next few weeks among first schools in the World and hope meet as plat­form users the most key­points which @cjpe­dre­gal men­tioned in his blog post. There is also good pings for pub­lish­ers and learn­ing ma­te­rial cre­ators.

Also to keep in mind that Mo­bie Ltd. of­fers also Mo­bile Tablets for stu­dents which are great from k12 to Uni­ver­sity level. Stu­dents have been very happy with their hy­brid so­lu­tion like Mo­bie M11. Pow­er­ful Win­dows 10, easy to carry, good cam­era and bat­tery life is for full day of study in Uni­ver­sity.

We think in Klas­sikka that OnEdu is the best so­lu­tion out there and so is IMAILE.EU in it`s re­port where they com­pared 72 learn­ing plat­forms in the World. OnEdu is on top 5 now in the World and is the only one from EU area.If in­ter­ested more about re­port, ask @mo­bieoy

OnEdu is also only plat­form where pub­lish­ers are cre­at­ing html5 mo­bile friendly ma­te­ri­als for stu­dents and OnEdu So­cial plat­form it­self works like face­book to al­low­ing stu­dents make groups and hav­ing con­ver­sa­tions with you mate stu­dents.

OnEdu of­fers school large vari­a­tion on pub­lish­ing Mo­bile friendly Zine pub­li­ca­tions like school news­pa­per, teacher prepa­ra­tion pub­li­ca­tions, school guide­books, safety book­lets and what is most pow­er­ful for stu­dents, they can do it them­selves! In @klas­sikka we have more than 50 dif­fer­ent pub­li­ca­tion at the mo­ment and that comes with ex­tra costs in OnEdu learn­ing plat­form.

Here is some school mag­a­zines cre­ated by stu­dents to look up.


Man­ual of Good Prac­ticesEras­mus+ Women as Spir­i­tus Movens to­wards Equal­ity in the Eu­ro­pean Cit­i­zen­ship26.2.2016