Poland, Norwid

IX Liceum Ogol­nok­sz­tal­cace im. C. K. Nor­wida w Czesto­chowie, Czesto­chowa

(Pre­sented in Czeto­chowa in No­vem­ber 2015)

Good prac­tices in our school – Poland

  1. The staff of our school is di­vided into groups of pro­fes­sion­als whose task is to plan, an­a­lyze and im­ple­ment all ac­tions and changes dur­ing ev­ery school year. It is done dur­ing reg­u­lar monthly meet­ings. The teach­ers have to cre­ate and dis­trib­ute place­ment and achieve­ment tests and mock ex­am­i­na­tions. They are also obliged to have one ad­di­tional les­son a week –free, to pre­pare the se­nior year for the fi­nal ex­ams. Each sub­ject team is re­spon­si­ble for pass­ing in­for­ma­tion to stu­dents and pre­par­ing them to sub­ject Olympics and other com­pe­ti­tions. The best achiev­ers are prized with their photo pre­sented in the school cor­ri­dor and spe­cial re­wards from the head­mas­ter ( tablets and money re­wards). The school pro­motes co­op­er­a­tion both with uni­ver­si­ties and mid­dle schools. Our stu­dents are in­vited to lec­tures and prac­ti­cal classes led by uni­ver­sity lec­tur­ers. On the other hand, we or­ga­nize com­pe­ti­tions and prac­ti­cal classes for mid­dle school stu­dents. Each spring, on Sat­ur­day, the school or­ga­nizes an Open Doors Day pre­sent­ing our good prac­tices to fu­ture stu­dents and their par­ents.
  2. Each teacher is give , yearly, a set of ad­di­tional re­spon­si­bil­i­ties among which there are ex­tracur­ric­u­lar ac­tiv­i­ties for stu­dents.
  3. The choir and the or­ches­tra. Es­tab­lished in 1972, in­cludes both boys and girls. It is an in­te­gral part of all school cel­e­bra­tions. In­clud­ing the schools Christ­mas meet­ing in Jasna Góra monastery and Christ­mas Car­ols School Con­cert and Town Hall cel­e­bra­tions.
  4. The School Brass Or­ches­tra cel­e­brated this year its 40th an­niver­sary. The amaz­ing fact is that stu­dents ad­mit­ted to the or­ches­tra are com­plete fresh­men in this as­pect, they learn from the scratch, yet they man­age to suc­ceed.
  5. The The­atre group. One of its big­gest suc­cesses was per­form­ing a play on a real stage of Adam Mick­iewicz The­atre in Częs­to­chowa. At present they con­cen­trate on dra­mas in for­eign lan­guages and ther­a­peu­tic dra­mas.
  6. The School Tourist Club “Azy­mut” or­ga­nizes once a month walks and ori­en­teer­ing marches along the Ea­gles’ Nests’ Trail in Kraków-Częs­to­chowa Up­land.
  7. Nor­wid Photo Club, led by our PE teacher , moun­tain lover and renowned pho­tog­ra­pher Darek Gawroński. You can see their works in school cor­ri­dors and stairs
  8. The Jour­nal­ist Club – used to pub­lish a pa­per ver­sion of CKN mag­a­zine, now in on-line ver­sion.
  9. Fi­los Char­ity Club – has ex­isted for 15 years. Its ac­tions com­prise sup­port­ing lo­cal Or­phan­ages, Hos­pices, An­i­mal Shel­ters, nat­u­ral dis­as­ter vic­tims and the dis­abled.
  10. Nor­wid TV. A new body in our school, re­spon­si­ble for re­port­ing all the school events both in and out of school.
  11. Stu­dents’ School Coun­cil – stu­dents or­ga­ni­za­tion with its mem­bers elected yearly by stu­dents. They de­cide about or­ga­niz­ing cel­e­bra­tions like: Fresh­man’s Day, Women’s Day and oth­ers. They give an in­sight into demo­cratic pro­ce­dures by or­ga­niz­ing de­bates with ap­pli­cants for the Coun­cil, dis­pay­ing their pro­grammes and at the same time re­spect­ing gen­eral vot­ing rules.
  12. Other clubs and so­ci­eties: Un­esco and Eu­ro­pean Club – their  main role is to or­ga­nize de­bates and in­for­ma­tional ac­tions on hot Eu­ro­pean top­ics ; Globe and Na­ture Pro­tec­tion Club –  spe­cial­izes in re­search pro­grammes into en­vi­ron­ment pro­tec­tion; Busi­ness and Ca­reer Club – gives a hand-on out­look into stocks and shares in­vest­ments and op­por­tu­nity to talk to ca­reer coun­selor.; Chess club, Art club, First Aid Team
  13. School In­ter­na­tional Ex­change Pro­grammes – our school has been in­volved in school or­ga­niz­ing work­shops for Pol­ish and Ger­man stu­dents in Bad Marien­berg, Pforzheim and Częs­to­chowa to share in­for­ma­tion about the two ed­u­ca­tional sys­tems and de­velop lan­guage skills. Socrates-Come­nius and Eras­mus+ pro­grammes. The first in­ter­na­tional ex­change was in 2000-2003 and since then we have had 3 more in­ter­na­tional pro­grammes.
  14. Im­por­tant cel­e­bra­tions and events:

Link to Prezi pre­sen­ta­tion:

Man­ual of Good Prac­ticesEras­mus+ Women as Spir­i­tus Movens to­wards Equal­ity in the Eu­ro­pean Cit­i­zen­ship26.2.2016