Finland, Kuopion klassillinen lukio

Kuopion klassillinen lukio in Kuopio

puts ef­fort on ICT in learn­ing and teach­ing

  1. Mo­bile tech­nol­ogy in learn­ing
  2. The Finnish ma­tric­u­la­tion ex­am­i­na­tion in change
  3. New tech­nol­ogy makes learn­ing in­ter­est­ing
(Presented in Kuopio February 2015)

The dig­i­tal­iza­tion of the ma­tric­u­la­tion ex­am­i­na­tion and the ref­or­ma­tion in the core cur­ricu­lum of the up­per sec­ondary schools has pushed to use and im­prove the ICT in learn­ing and teach­ing. Our school has taken part to many na­tional de­vel­op­ment projects in this mat­ter.

Our school is known not only in our own area but in whole Fin­land of us­ing mo­bile tech­nol­ogy in learn­ing plat­forms, sup­port­ing stu­dents by recorded lessons and learn­ing new ways to learn by play­ing ed­u­ca­tional games, us­ing 3d glasses in vir­tual life and us­ing ped­a­go­gies like lifted class room.

Man­ual of Good Prac­ticesEras­mus+ Women as Spir­i­tus Movens to­wards Equal­ity in the Eu­ro­pean Cit­i­zen­ship26.2.2016