Italy, Istituto di Istruzione Superiore "G. Mazzatinti"
(Presented in Gubbio April 2016)
Istituto di Istuzione Superiore “G. Mazzatinti” in Gubbio
continuously tests new methods and practices for more effective and captivating teaching.
- Exploring and… making reality
- Open doors, open minds
Successful experiences in educational innovation
With its wide-ranging curriculum in five areas of study – art, classics, math and science, human and social science, and sport – Liceo “G. Mazzatinti” continuously tests new methods and new practices for a more effective and captivating teaching which involves students, teachers, families and all the surrounding environment as protagonists of an educational path starting at school, but intended to continue for a lifetime. You will find here a selection of the most significant among our current practices, also showed in this Prezi presentation. (Presented in Gubbio April 2016)
Our contacts
Official website of the school
Official Facebook account of the school
Official Twitter account of the school
Exploring and… making reality!
Liceo “G. Mazzatinti” keeps its eyes on the world spinning around and favours experience as a direct and critical approach to reality: therefore, it attaches importance to teaching methodology as far as possible based on workshops and carried out in laboratories, as well as in the classrooms. So, students are every day involved in activities which take place in the ICT, linguistic and multimedia labs.
A special mention is for the artistic labs, where students are able not only to observe, but also to make what surrounds them, giving concreteness to their creativity. So, they design and create things (also recycling objects, like barrels and drums) which are often awarded on the occasion of design contests.
Participating in… “Olympic” games!
A method based on experience is typical of the sport curriculum, within which students study and practice various sports (team sports, fencing, rugby, swimming, gymnastics, climbing, sailing etc.), and often meet important sport personalities, who reinforce their motivation.
But, metaphorically speaking, the “Olympic” spirit of the whole Liceo is very strong, as it every year participates in national competitions in order to put to the test its didactic method. So, here it is the participation to the National Olympic Games of Maths, of Philosophy, of Chemistry, to various certamina of translation from Latin and Greek and, especially, to the Olympic Games of Italian and of Classic Languages and Cultures: with respect to these last two competitions, our students entered in the last couple of years in the final national charts. A little success which, together with the already mentioned prizes got in the artistic field, leads us to cultivate the current didactic methods and to find new ones.
We love classics!
Last January (2016), for the second year, the Liceo arranged the National Nuit Blanche of Classical Lyceum, an event which gathered together more than 200 classical high schools all over Italy, simultaneously celebrating the great heritage left by classical antiquity. As in the past year, the feast was a big success and involved for the organization all the curricula of the Liceo, which showed their ability in cooperating. Every involved student could develop the aptitude to the interdisciplinary research in order to improve his own cooperation skills and… have fun! (see the Prezi presentation for some activities carried out by the Liceo during the National Nuit Blanche 2016: a workshop on the myth of Minotaur; Star walks, a shadow play based on the myths of Perseus, and of Orpheus and Eurydice; various games: logic games, board games, role playing; Processi a Medea, an interactive play where the sorceress Medea is tried for her crimes in Corynth; and also other plays, science labs, concerts, ballets, a celebration of the Olympic games,
art installations and performances).
Ready to read!
Besides experience and a direct link with reality, the Liceo attaches much importance to the spoken and written word: in order to make aware not only students, but the whole community about the vital importance of reading and culture, the Liceo organized a Reading Marathon set in five spots in Gubbio, dedicating every place to a different literary genre or age of the world literary history (e.g. Middle Ages, Renaissance, II World War, religious poetry, ancient theatre) with readings, art dance and music performances with our students, directly involved also in choosing texts and arranging perfomances.
Not only spoken – we were saying – but also written word: so, the Liceo periodically publishes a school magazine, Invio, where students – as in a big editorial office – choose the topics of pages, write and collect articles, and distribute the magazine. This is a good way to develop writing and organazing skills, and to link the school experience with the wider town community.
The show must go on
The Liceo attaches much importance to theatre as a moment of growth and enrichment for students: every year the school organizes shows for the town community, appreciated also on a national level. Besides its own shows, the Liceo also participates in the organization of other shows, as for the stage costumes of the musical comedy Pantapolonia.
Loving art and cooperating with FAI
The Liceo is a mediator of culture not only by means of theatre, but also through the Giornate FAI di Primavera (FAI Sping Days), in cooperation with FAI (the main Italian non-profit foundation for the protection, safeguarding and management of the country’s artistic and natural heritage). Every year, when spring starts, many students of the Liceo become a sort of “apprentice Cicerones” and show the beauties of Gubbio and its area to citizens and tourists. It is a very good occasion for going into the study of history and art, improving public speaking skills.
Listening to our beating heart!
Not only study, but also heart: the Liceo cooperates with AVIS (the major Italian non-profit and charitable organisation for blood donation), and many studends find out the importance of a gift which gives life to others; with Libera, a national association born with the purpose of involving and supporting all those who are interested in the fight against mafias and organized crime; with El.Ba., a town association involved in activities for awareness about secure driving.
Open doors, open minds
Generosity and openness are very important values for the Liceo.
Therefore, big importance is attached to projects and instruments aiming at communicating with the world, as eTwinning. Aware of the usefulness of knowing many languages, the Liceo organizes language courses not only of English, but also of French, Spanish and German for the interested students, who have so the opportunity of dealing with an increasingly expanding world. A special mention is fot the project “Save Art through English”, which combines art, history and English with a visit of Florence led by an English-speaking tourist guide.
Last, but not least, we recall here the good practice of… Erasmus+, which gives the Liceo the chance of sharing ideas and projects, and the possibility of envisioning a new model of school and, perhaps, of the world.